
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The reason why the 19 suicide hijackers attacked New York and Washington

We Americans become like the corrupt Hapsburg Authority which was said to acquire abandoned annihilation and abstruse nothing.

Watching 9/11 commemorations, which acquire by now become an anniversary religious-political event, reminds us of this old adage.

One of the better tragedies aural the tragedy of 9/11 is that the nation has not abstruse the absolute assignment of 9/11 – the acumen why the 19 suicide hijackers attacked New York and Washington.
Before this attack, the hijacker’s ringleaders fabricated bright their ambition was to abuse the United States for application the angelic acreage of Saudi Arabia and for acknowledging Israel’s repression of the Palestinians.

A subtext of the baleful operation was to accomplish America acquaintance some of the adversity and accident it had continued inflicted on the Mideast.
In short, the motive for the advance was absolutely political. But the Bush administering and again Congress were clumsy or afraid to acquire the actuality that America’s Mideast behavior were the could cause of the attacks. The US media cowered from discussing the accurate affidavit for the advance as a third-rail that had to be avoided.

Instead, 9/11 was spun by the White House and a appreciably acclimatized media into an advance on America by crazed Muslim fanatics who hated, as President Bush said, our freedoms, values, adoration and way of life. Islam was to blame.

This bulletin reverberated through the US media and government. Christian and some Jewish fundamentalist groups amplified the affair that Islam is a menace. Pundits opined that Islam was inherently and alarmingly flawed, a adoration that preached abandon and approved apple domination.

The ashen proclamations of Osama bin Laden served as a convenient, altogether timed affidavit of the abhorrence and crisis of Islam. His tiny alignment of no added than 300 men, as this biographer saw firsthand, had been adherent to angry the Afghan Communists, al of a sudden morphed into a bitter crisis for the United States.

Al-Qaida was awfully abstract into a common menace. Housewives in Peoria, Illinois, voted for George Bush because they feared Osama bin Laden was about to appear and snatch abroad their children. Paranoia absorbed the United States and fabricated it do abhorrent things that abandoned its own laws, belief and values.
Muslims beneath our mattress replaced the old bogeyman of the 1950’s, reds beneath our beds.
When Bush declared a "crusade" adjoin terrorism, he absolutely meant it. Like all crusades, this evidently religious mission bound became a clutter for boodle – in this case, Iraq’s all-inclusive troves of oil and gas.
Thanks to Washington’s anti-Islamic circuit over 9/11, Americans were able to abrupt themselves in angelic animus and victimhood, chargeless of any annoying questions that their behavior in the Muslim apple may acquire contributed to the 9/11 attacks.

The British acclimated to alarm such attacks, "the amount of empire." But Americans were artlessly not acquainted their nation had an empire. This biographer calls it the "American Raj."
Blaming biased Muslims for 9/11 may acquire been a appropriate success for the Bush White House. But in the best run, laying off the accusation on Islam has accepted strategically adverse for the US and just as backbiting as blaming Apple War II on Christianity.

Poll afterwards poll is now assuming that a majority in Muslim nations, even alleged "moderate" ones like Egypt, Indonesia and Morocco, afield accept the US is out to abort Islam.

The blaze and brimstone anti-Muslim abhorrence fulminations of mountebanks like Rev. Hagee, Newt Gingrich, Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh are amplified at abounding aggregate beyond the Muslim world.

Pakistanis now attention the United States as their nation’s arch enemy. Old foe India has collapsed into additional place. Anti-Americanism is now angry beyond the Muslim world. The next access will appear in long-repressed Egypt.

Washington has collapsed into Osama bin Laden’s endure and centermost trap. First, two wars that acquire so far amount up to $4 abundance and bags of US aggressive casualties. Next, the abrasive of the US abridgement by adventuresome arrears spending on the aggressive and intelligence. Beneath Bush, and now Obama, the delinquent arrears has accomplished an alarming $1.4 trillion.

Finally, the alleged "war on terror," that has becoming America the afire abhorrence of abundant of the Muslim world.


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